lundi 12 décembre 2016

s g n l :Touch your sound

A new gadget on Kickstarter is basically designed to make you feel like a secret agent. It's called Sgnl, and it lets you make phone calls just by wearing a wristband and touching your ear, with your fingers acting as the receiver.
There's no speaker on the device  instead, audio is directed into your ear through vibrations that are sent through your body, into your wrist and up to the fingers touching your ear; a mic is built into the band. It's not a new concept, but it's a neat twist on the not-very-cool Bluetooth headset.
The project comes from Innomdle Lab, a startup that's been spun out of Samsung. This is its first project, and it's launching with a Kickstarter campaign looking for $50,000, which it's very nearly reached at the time of this writing. Sgnl units are selling for around $139.

There's one other interesting twist to Sgnl. While you can wear it as a standalone wristband, it's meant to be used as a watch strap, either for an analog watch or a smartwatch. It definitely looks a bit clunkier than a normal wristband, but integrating it straight into another gadget that you're already wearing is a nice idea, as it's one less gadget to keep track of.
This is probably something that could be built right into a smartwatch in the future, but for the time being, Sngl seems like a cool, if totally unnecessary way to take a phone call without pulling out your phone. It'll probably make for a great party trick, too, although I'm not convinced that anyone will look suave while wearing this thing, as Innomdle's Kickstarter video wants you to think

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